iChannel Wisdom is a spiritual education platform and community, focused on helping you develop and integrate a spiritual awareness to create inner peace and serenity, even in difficult situations.

Working with the 5 elements is a spiritual education that will lead you to more self-awareness of your own humanness. Life’s lessons are our earthly education. It Is our real education that comes from what we experience. To be a seeker of our own wisdom which is the real reasoning to our experiences, it often takes a spiritual awakening to change how you perceive what you are experiencing, how to respond, and how to release what simply does not serve you.

Jacqui Moore

Jacqui is an alternative therapist who has worked intensively with women and children experiencing domestic abuse with creative empowerment.
Jacqui continues to unite her skills to support the spiritual development of children and families.

Julie Anne Hart, Founder

A channel for spiritual guidance that supports self-healing and evolution through self exploration. There is so much potential to the human spirit and yet this is often diminished through layers of conditioning, culturalization and socialisation that separates us from ourselves and each other. You will find the essence of my work in our store, from the teachings of Eliza Hope to Gateway and Illuminate meditations. There will be encoded in the words a new learning and a new way from which you can live life more balanced
and harmoniously.