Seek the Spirit

You are not the definition of your experiences.

You are not the definition of your environment, cultural, conditioning, or social systems.

You are not the definition of your mind.

You are not the definition of the emotions of trauma that the body holds.

You are the definition of the true raw spirit.

For the spirit has no definition. It is unique, it cannot be taken or stolen.

It cannot be controlled. 

The spirit is free and flows in the absolute abundance of your own DNA. Your blueprint.

Seldom is this print found.

Maybe you have stopped or blocked yourself from being the seeker?

To find it means you need to be the seeker of the true self.

How do you define you? Is the definition made up of components or elements of someone else’s definition, societies definition a trending definition?

Are you ready to strip layers of conditioned definition to seek the spirit of your own truth?

If you are reading this, you are calling yourself to discover, redefine or even drop your own definition devoid of any denial or diminishment. 

It means retreating into the depths of the self, to delve into other realms of knowing beyond the 5 senses. Beyond the mind and the patterns that you have set. You will seek the truth, for the true definition can never really be found. For as an infinite being the potentially to seek more of you is always infinite. 

An evaluation in humanity is every single person’s responsibility. Such growth can begin in many ways. I have learnt this week that the way I relate to myself is a paramount key to opening my heart to giving myself what has been lost in my conditioned confinement of social systems.  The effects that have been pasted on from generation to generation that needed to be broken. The loss of self. The lack of self-giving that has until now been deemed as selfish. 

I have learnt that to seek the spirit, seek my truth then give that to myself has opened my heart to give to others in a wider capacity then ever before. I hope sharing this creates a knowing within your heart, as it does may the wider implications of such a giving form part of a bigger positive collective change. 

A specifically designed meditation to aid this process can be found on in our store…. Gateway. Seek The Spirit.


Sanctuary. A place of Stability, Serenity, and Spirituality.


I see through the eyes of source